I'm home. I have finished my time serving as a full-time missionary in the Philippines for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I came home on December 17 to my beautiful, wonderful family and all my fabulous friends. It was a beautiful reunion and I was happy to be home. Being home is fun.
It's exciting to re-do all my firsts. First movie since I've been home. First burrito since I've been home. First time back at Disneyland. First time swimming again. First date. First cheesecake. Etc. It's also fun to tell mission stories and fun facts about the Philippines. I love spending time with my siblings, parents, nieces, nephews, and other family and friends. I really am happy being home. But I miss my mission. I miss the way I felt every single day meeting new friends while tracting through the humidity and sweating profusely. I miss sharing what I know to be true to people I love or even to complete strangers. I miss studying the scriptures for at least 2 hours every single day. Bearing my testimony of the Book of Mormon numerous times a day.
I know that just because my full-time mission has ended, doesn't mean I am no longer a missionary. I can still be an example and share my testimony with others. And I will continue to do that. It's just different when every single day is devoted only to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those around you. My mission was amazing. I loved my mission with all of my heart. I learned a lot. I changed a lot. I grew a lot (in two ways). It was definitely the best decision I could have ever made. And although it was difficult and challenging most of the time, it was by far the best 18 months of my life.
I'm grateful for the opportunity that I was given to share the Gospel in the Philippines San Pablo Mission.
Totoo ang Simbahan!
I almost teared up just reading your post and thinking about my mission. The mission changed my whole life. I miss it too. I'm so glad I miss it because it meant it meant a lot to me!! But I'm taking everything I learned and continuing to do the Lord's work.. like you said.
I love hearing about your mission and seeing pictures... ah! just beautiful. Now.. the next step to enduring to the end!!! :) Stand by.. first date gets you there. :)
Love you! Good thing about us sisters.. is that We always have the title "Sister"! (Maybe an eternal truth :) I sometimes wipe my hair out of the way thinking my tag is there hahaha. Ok this is long. Take care!
I still miss the name tag.
Welcome home!
G-na Sandy! Welcome home! I remember all of those same feelings. I love that you loved every second of your mission. It's just the best! I remember how "naked" I felt when I took off the tag & the adjustment being tricky. You'll be so awesome, though, & it's so fun that you have G-na Sarah to hang out with all the time. Keep us posted on all the fun adventures!
I'm so proud of you! The philippics were so blessed to have you there for 18 months, I love you!
What a wonderful decision you made to serve. How inspired was your call?! You were meant to serve in the Philippines. I'm so proud of you! I'm so glad you're home, but I know the transition must be bitter-sweet. Love this post.
Thank you for loving me how I am.
I love you,
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