Sunday, September 9, 2007

Girls Weekend In Laguna

The Hiatt girls and the Smith girls all got together and had a mini-vacation at our beach house in Laguna. We went out to dinner at BJ's pizza, watched Pride and Prejudice in our pajamas and went to sleep. We spent the whole next day at the beach. It was a perfect beach day...except...right after this picture was taken, a wave hit us and my sunglasses fell off my head and were lost in the ocean forever. Other than that, it was a perfect day!

1 comment:

Sarah Hull said...

Wait! I did not hear this story about the wave!!! Did mom get hit too? I can just imagine the screams!!!!
I wish we were there with you guys... but I think we would have had to sleep on the stairs outside b/c there was no room! Maybe one day we can join you guys for a family vacation.... alaska....laguna... hmmm I am starting to see a trend here....